

5 products

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 products
Helen Island - Last Liasse (LP)Helen Island - Last Liasse (LP)
Helen Island - Last Liasse (LP)Knekelhuis
Ghastly and hallucinatory – Last Liasse is a sign of the times, alternative pop record by Helen Island. Within this debut album, the artist captures the saccharine gaze of digital escapism through characteristic filtered high notes, cut-up genres, and processed vocals. Providing a comprehensive overview of Helen Island’s self-distributed initiatives, with the ethos of the Parisian Simple Music Experience collective, the twelve tracks set a solid musical score that resonates with the age to come.
Jimmy Smack - Death Is Certain (LP)
Jimmy Smack - Death Is Certain (LP)Knekelhuis
Across two 7"s, 'Death Or Glory' (1982) and 'Death Rocks' (1983) and one 12", 'Anguish' (1982) Jimmy Smack carved his own bleak chasm amidst the Los Angeles death rock scene that he inhabited. After decades dormant in the crypt, Knekelhuis compiles Smack's full recorded output, providing it a lavish place to rest on the 'Death Is Certain' LP. The album comes with a printed inner sleeve featuring rarely seen archival photos, liner notes by Cooper Bowman and excerpts from an interview with Jimmy Smack by Juan Mendez (Silent Servant).
KiTA - Ceramic (LP)KiTA - Ceramic (LP)
KiTA - Ceramic (LP)Knekelhuis
2021年に〈Companion〉より登場したオーストラリア・メルボルン出身のインディ・ポップ/エクスペリメンタル・アーティスト、Kae Tama KitzlerによるプロジェクトKiTAがオランダ・アムステルダムの先鋭的レーベルであり、Maoupa MazzocchettiやSmersh、Zaliva-Dといった面々をそのカタログに擁する〈Knekelhuis〉からデビュー・アルバム『Ceramic』を発表。夢見心地で瑞々しい空気と温かくも儚げな幻想に揺れ、遠く未来へと眼差すチルアウト・アンビエント/エレクトロニクスを全3曲収録。気持ちいいいです。Wouter Brandenburgによるマスタリング仕様と盤質も万全となっています。
Michel Banabila - Echo Transformations (LP)
Michel Banabila - Echo Transformations (LP)Knekelhuis
Michel Banabila is an indispensable part of the Dutch experimental music scene, where he has acquired a special place with many, in the 40 years that he has been releasing music. Michel is also just as active as a composer for the theater and ballet world, as well as for TV productions, to considerable fame. The threat of drowning in the sea of his oeuvre is real in view of the unprecedented amount of output, but once sailing unmissable monolithic rock formations loom up rapidly. Echo Transformations' is one of them. It's a magical album, where everything falls into place in a rich domain inspired by the Fourth World dimension. A world of sound arises from our imagination, stimulating the senses. A concept album where every sigh has its place and where no superfluous tone can be heard. What remains is to embrace the inevitable surrender that accompanies unstoppable change. This is Banabila at his best.
Michel Banabila - Unspeakable Visions (LP)Michel Banabila - Unspeakable Visions (LP)
Michel Banabila - Unspeakable Visions (LP)Knekelhuis
Banabila returns with a second LP release on Knekelhuis. The renowned Dutch producer is up there among the stars when it comes to ambient music and the so-called ‘fourth world’ legacy. On this eleven-track album, we witness soul-wrenching, kraut-tinted, and early-yet-modernist electronics. Coming from his heart, these imaginative recordings center around otherworldly voices – fictional characters chanting in a made-up language, imbued with a captivating spirit, transcending linguistic barriers. Through remarkable complexity and technique, 'Unspeakable Visions' is full of sonic textures, together evoking a layered, emotional arc. While the track 'Rattles' still references the artist's first album on Knekelhuis, 'Echo Transformations', the style of most other tracks departs towards an intriguing new mix of both pop-infused songs and gloomy abstraction, balancing between a sense of anticipation and desolation. (Luke Cohlen, May 2024)

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