
Buddhism & Advaita


103 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 24 products
24 results
Philosophy of Kyōgyōshinshō - Gihan Takeuchi (Book)Philosophy of Kyōgyōshinshō - Gihan Takeuchi (Book)
Philosophy of Kyōgyōshinshō - Gihan Takeuchi (Book)法藏館
This is the first ambitious attempt to read “Kyogyoshinsho”, the main work of Shinran, the founder of Jodo Shin...
Manusmriti - Nobuyuki Watase (Book)Manusmriti - Nobuyuki Watase (Book)
Manusmriti - Nobuyuki Watase (Book)法藏館
Hinduism is a religion that unites faith and life practice, and the prototype of the Hindu world was developed ...
Mystical Thought in Ancient India: The World of the Early Upanishads - Masaaki Hattori (Book)Mystical Thought in Ancient India: The World of the Early Upanishads - Masaaki Hattori (Book)
Mystical Thought in Ancient India: The World of the Early Upanishads - Masaaki Hattori (Book)法藏館
The idea of the correspondence between the macrocosm and the microcosm is deepened into an awareness of the uni...
About Buddhism - Keiji Nishitani (Book)About Buddhism - Keiji Nishitani (Book)
About Buddhism - Keiji Nishitani (Book)法藏館
Based on a foundation of philosophical speculation on modernity and pre-modernity, Eastern and Western traditio...
The Development of Pure land buddhism - Mizumaro Ishida (Book)The Development of Pure land buddhism - Mizumaro Ishida (Book)
The Development of Pure land buddhism - Mizumaro Ishida (Book)法藏館
This is an excellent overview of the development of Pure Land Buddhism in Japan, analyzing it from a doctrinal ...
Introduction to Nirvana Sutra - Enichi Ocho (Book)Introduction to Nirvana Sutra - Enichi Ocho (Book)
Introduction to Nirvana Sutra - Enichi Ocho (Book)法藏館
The “Nirvana Sutra” conveys the Buddha's legacy, which includes the Buddha's everlasting abode and all-pervadin...
Atheism - Shinichi Hisamatsu (Book)Atheism - Shinichi Hisamatsu (Book)
Atheism - Shinichi Hisamatsu (Book)法藏館
Shinichi Hisamatsu is a rare philosopher who transcended Western modernity and continued to investigate the pat...
The idea of “Dependent Co-arising” - Mitsuyoshi Saegusa (Book)The idea of “Dependent Co-arising” - Mitsuyoshi Saegusa (Book)
The idea of “Dependent Co-arising” - Mitsuyoshi Saegusa (Book)法藏館
What is “Dependent Co-arising” and who taught it? And who taught it? This groundbreaking essay explores the ori...
What is Buddhahood? - Naomichi Takasaki (Book)What is Buddhahood? - Naomichi Takasaki (Book)
What is Buddhahood? - Naomichi Takasaki (Book)法藏館
What are all sentient beings and what is the Buddha nature? Do all people possess the nature to become a Buddha...
Wittgenstein the Religious - Keiji Hoshikawa (Book)Wittgenstein the Religious - Keiji Hoshikawa (Book)
Wittgenstein the Religious - Keiji Hoshikawa (Book)法藏館
Is Wittgenstein a “philosopher” or a “religious man”? A solitary soul is torn between strong reason and “reconc...
The Essence of Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)
The Essence of Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)法藏館
A contribution based on a lecture given at the Imperial Palace. The author's understanding of Buddhism is conci...
To transcend the mind of discrimination without self-awareness - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)
To transcend the mind of discrimination without self-awareness - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)法藏館
Discrimination is not created by someone else, but by the mind of "self". This lecture transcript reveals the s...
not a monk, not a layman - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)
not a monk, not a layman - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)法藏館
Why did Shinran, one of Japan's leading Buddhist monks, declare himself "neither a monk nor a layman"? Guided b...
Tannisho - Daiei Kaneko (Book)
Tannisho - Daiei Kaneko (Book)法藏館
In the last lecture given by Daiei Kaneko before his death, he talks about the teachings of altruistic nembutsu...
Shoshinge discourse - Ryōshun Nakano (Book+BOX)Shoshinge discourse - Ryōshun Nakano (Book+BOX)
Shoshinge discourse - Ryōshun Nakano (Book+BOX)法藏館
Masterpiece. Reprinted from the long-awaited culmination of Nakano's theology, "The Collected Works of Ryōshun...
Yoga Vasistha (Book)
Yoga Vasistha (Book)Natural Spirit
"Yoga Vasishta weaves together many stories and commentaries to explain the ultimate teachings. It will be a ma...
Lectures on the Verse of Shoshinge, 4 volumes - Rijin Yasuda (Book)
Lectures on the Verse of Shoshinge, 4 volumes - Rijin Yasuda (Book)法藏館
This is the first public recording of a famous lecture by Rijin Yasuda, a great scholar of Buddhist studies, wh...
Shin Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)
Shin Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)法藏館
A Japanese translation of D.T.Suzuki's English article discussing Shinran's pure land doctrine of other powers....
Myokonin - D.T. Suzuki (Book)
Myokonin - D.T. Suzuki (Book)法藏館
Focusing on Saichi, the film reveals the true nature of Myōkōnin as practitioners of other powers. From Wikipe...
Shinran's View on Life - Daiei Kaneko (Book)
Shinran's View on Life - Daiei Kaneko (Book)法藏館
This is a discourse on The True Faith of Kyōgyōshinshō, written by Shinran, the founder of the Pure land shin s...
「唯識」から浄土教の菩薩像を問う 虚妄分別(煩悩)から意言分別(智恵)へ - 海野 孝憲 (Book)
「唯識」から浄土教の菩薩像を問う 虚妄分別(煩悩)から意言分別(智恵)へ - 海野 孝憲 (Book)法藏館
唯識思想では、菩薩が仏になる道筋を、虚妄分別の止滅から意言分別の智慧の獲得として明らかにし、さらに、仏の正覚の智慧を、無分別智と無分別後得智に分けて明らかにすることで、自利利他を完成した仏の智慧の根本を明らかにしている。 ...
Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Book)
Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Book)Natural Spirit
The Greatest Enlightener of the 20th Century, Admired by Jung and Gandhi! "Who am I? This is the first time tha...
Ashtavakra Gita
Ashtavakra GitaNatural Spirit
The Ashtavakra Gita (Sanskrit: अष्टावक्रगीता; IAST: aṣṭāvakragītā) or Song of Ashtavakra is a classical text in...
I Am That: Talks With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (Book)
I Am That: Talks With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (Book)Natural Spirit
This book is also called the modern Upanishads. This is the story of a great enlightened man who, without forma...

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