39 products
87年に〈Sondor〉から発表されたオリジナルは限りなく希少。アルゼンチン音響派にも影響を及ぼした、ウルグアイ音楽における代表格にして最高の音楽家Eduardo Mateoとその盟友Ruben Rada、カンドンベ・ビートの創設者として伝説的バンド”El Kinto”でも活動を共にした二人の巨匠が発表した大傑作が待望のアナログ・リイシュー!日本では〈Beans Records〉がCD再発していましたがヴァイナル復刻は今回が初。フォルクローレ〜カンドンベ〜ジャズ〜ロックまでもがハイブリッドに溶け合ったサイケデリックすぎる近未来的空想民俗!
In 2021, we started the Mdou Moctar mixtape series. These releases compiled field recordings, cell phone voice memos, interview clips, conversations captured in the tour van, and blown-out board recordings from shows all over the world. As a continuation of those mixtapes, we present the Niger EPs, which examine the roots of the Mdou Moctar band. Early Mdou recordings were contained on cassettes, though the humble tape was soon replaced by the quick and easy facility of cell phone technology.
Long bus rides are common in West Africa. On one of these rides, you might be seated next to a stranger and ask ‘what are you listening to?’, then a song exchange would begin over Bluetooth. This is a very real way artists found their music distributed far from home. In that vein, the Niger EP series features solely recordings taped in Mdou Moctar’s home country of Niger. Volume 1 begins the series with a mix of recordings from 2017- 2020, documenting the band at weddings, picnics, rehearsals, and even impromptu house concerts. A must have for any Mdou Moctar fan!”
- Mdou Moctar bassist Mikey Coltun