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32 results
Macross 82-99 -  Summer Touch (Colored Vinyl LP)Macross 82-99 -  Summer Touch (Colored Vinyl LP)
Macross 82-99 - Summer Touch (Colored Vinyl LP)Neoncity Records
The long-awaited reissue of the popular "Summer Touch" by Neoncity's signature producer Macross 82-99! Included are "Together," a tribute to "Summer Madness," "For You," featuring a coquettish female vocalist, and eight other tracks. Color vinyl.
Macross 82-99 - Shibuya Meltdown (Colored Vinyl LP)Macross 82-99 - Shibuya Meltdown (Colored Vinyl LP)
Macross 82-99 - Shibuya Meltdown (Colored Vinyl LP)Neoncity Records
Long-awaited reissue of Neoncity's signature producer Macross 82-99 (Macroxx 82-99)'s popular Shibuya Meltdown, featuring Toriena, Puniden and more! Japanese culture-inspired electro-pop album featuring Toriena, Puniden, and others! Color vinyl.
Moon Ji-young 문지영 - Love Tactics/Terminus 새노래집 (연애작전) (LP)
Moon Ji-young 문지영 - Love Tactics/Terminus 새노래집 (연애작전) (LP)Cobrarose Records
First vinyl reissue since ’79 for the mystique-shrouded composer and his enigmatic songstress! Songstress Moon Ji-young remains one of the most enigmatic figures of Korea’s 70’s gayo scene. Her debut release from SRB Records would be her sole record. The record was produced in 1979 with SRB-affiliated composer/arranger Yon Seok-won at the helm. In addition to 5 songs for Moon, Yon also included tunes that had been released through his solo and group projects, the Outsiders among them. Standout tracks include the title track ‘Love Tactics‘, gained a new following upon its rediscovery among fans of 70’s K-Funk, the 2-part epic ‘Tree in Winter’, and the noir-inspired blues/jazz tune ‘Terminus’. The instrumental ‘When Love Comes and Goes’ is another interesting track that foreshadows Yon’s later excursions into jazz-based New Age/Ambient territory. Included as a bonus track is the killer funky banger ‘Unwavering Heart’ by the Outsiders.。
NTsKi - Calla (LP)NTsKi - Calla (LP)
NTsKi - Calla (LP)Em Records

NTsKi. Nom de musique of Japan-based vocalist/songwriter/producer; pronounced n-t-s-k-i. "Calla" is her 2nd album, a unified statement of her musical vision at this point in her development, with all-new songs melding her breathy and intimate voice, singing in Japanese and English, with organic acoustic sounds and distinctive electronic colors. NTsKi possesses a charming melodic gift as well as a distinctive production style, giving "Calla" a cohesion and subtle momentum, with relaxed tempos, interesting arrangements and intriguing melodies fusing into a focused musical statement that is refreshing, charming and forward-looking, underpinned by a sense of wistfulness, nostalgia and melancholy. As with her 2021 "Orca" release, co-released on EM Records and Orange Milk, NTsKi is joined by engineer Illicit Tsuboi and British musician/producer Dan Shutt. The songs here are lovely, concise gems, warmly glowing, gently sparkling, evocative and moving. Available on LP and DL, with a Japanese and English lyric sheet. Cover art drawing: Ellen Thomas.

maya ongaku - Approach to Anima (CD)
maya ongaku - Approach to Anima (CD)Bayon Production / Guruguru Brain

Hailing from the seaside communities surrounding Enoshima, a small island located 50 km southwest of Tokyo, maya ongaku is a ragtag collective of local musicians whose brand of earthy psychedelia transcends widely beyond the roots of their inner souls. The name derives not from any kind of ancient civilization, but rather a neologism defined as the imagined view outside one’s field of vision. The band—currently a trio of Tsutomu Sonoda, Ryota Takano, and Shoei Ikeda—finds sanctuary at the Ace General Store, a beachy vintage shop and salon-like space just hidden from sight from the bustling, touristy riverside Subana Street. Between discussions on music and art, curating the vinyl section and manning the register, and chatting up with locals young and old, the members find time to jam and record their spontaneous ideas in the studio tucked away in the back. It’s in this unlikely setting where maya ongaku finds its origins, the culmination of what Sonoda describes as 自然発生 (shizen hassei), meaning spontaneous generation, or the supposed production of living organisms from nonliving matter.

Approach to Anima, the group’s debut album released on Guruguru Brain, finds maya ongaku building a foundational groove while tapping into their innermost psyche. Sonoda’s malleable guitar and vocals, Takano’s sinuous bass lines, Ikeda’s floating woodwinds, and a sprinkling of delicate percussion—all coalesce into an aural experience that’s assertive yet abstract, calm but unsettling. The slow building, sax-laden “Approach” serves as an introduction to maya ongaku’s world, while the appropriately-named “Water Dream” floats its way toward the gentle finale of “Pillow Song.” It’s a concise distillation of their many interests and influences, from Neo-Dada and Fluxus, to where contemporary art intersects with the development of modern recording technology in the ‘60s and ‘70s.

As the title suggests, Approach to Anima is not intended to be a terminus; it’s merely the beginning of an exploration. The three childhood friends that comprise maya ongaku are always looking beyond the confines of the idyllic but rapidly gentrifying enclave of their beloved Enoshima. Feeding off of the energy that still radiates from the triumphant, decade-long journey of their label bosses’ band Kikagaku Moyo, who rose to global prominence from scrappy beginnings busking on the streets of Takadanobaba, they hope to go wherever inspiration takes them, to anywhere around the globe where their music can find a home.

Ultimately, maya ongaku’s uninhibited world-building will make it possible for us to see the unseen, expand the possibilities of the naked eye—all through the unbridled vibrancy of their music. 

帰国子女 - 惑わす電波塔 (CS+DL)帰国子女 - 惑わす電波塔 (CS+DL)
帰国子女 - 惑わす電波塔 (CS+DL)kaomozi
「平然とした戯れを続けてる。」音楽ディグをテーマに据えた漫画『ディグインザディガー』の作画を手掛けることでも知られるイラストレーター、漫画家、音楽家の駒澤零氏が主宰する東京の音楽レーベル〈KAOMOZI〉のカセット作品群をストック!現役高校生ボカロP/トラックメイカーの帰国子女が23年8月に発表したミニ・アルバム『惑​わ​す​電​波​塔』のカセット版が登場!長谷川白紙や諭吉佳作/men、PAS TASTAといった自身の愛聴している作家からのインスピレーションも強く感じられる、キャッチーでダンサブルなエレクトロニック・ポップを展開した秀逸な一本に仕上がっています!
山下憶良 - 液晶 (CS+DL)山下憶良 - 液晶 (CS+DL)
山下憶良 - 液晶 (CS+DL)kaomozi
ゆっくりと映る影。音楽ディグをテーマに据えた漫画『ディグインザディガー』の作画を手掛けることでも知られるイラストレーター、漫画家、音楽家の駒澤零氏が主宰する東京の音楽レーベル〈KAOMOZI〉のカセット作品群をストック!音楽制作以外にも絵画やファッションショーモデルとしても活動しているエレクトロニック・ミュージック作家の山下憶良 (Okura Yamashita)が23年4月に発表したミニ・アルバム『液晶』のカセット版が登場!『液晶(ディスプレイ』をテーマにしたプライヴェートな内容の一作で、愛らしくも実験的なエレクトロ/アンビエント・ポップを全7曲収録。平沢進ファンにも推薦!
V.A. - kaomozi compilations vol.2 (CS+DL)V.A. - kaomozi compilations vol.2 (CS+DL)
V.A. - kaomozi compilations vol.2 (CS+DL)kaomozi
音楽ディグをテーマに据えた漫画『ディグインザディガー』の作画を手掛けることでも知られるイラストレーター、漫画家、音楽家の駒澤零氏が主宰する東京の音楽レーベル〈KAOMOZI〉が、今年9月にリリースしていたコンピレーション・アルバム『kaomozi compilations vol​.​2』の限定カセット盤を特別にストックさせて戴きました!レーベル・ショーケース的なラインナップとなった本作は、1周年記念となる作品であり、佐々木虚像、鮭とばSKTB、零進法、ナナビット、H B、帰国子女といった近年のhyperpop以降の若手音楽シーンで活躍する作家たちによる豪華トラック群を全14曲収録。マスタリングはNaofumi Uedaが担当。版元完売。

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