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Imagine a feather floating from outer space and landing on earth. What's going on? Which bird did this feather come from? That's what OOIOO's (pronounced oh-oh-eye-oh-oh) music is like? so colorful and shiny that you can't even see what is happening.
OOIOO's Gold and Green reveals the group's hard-to-categorize and refreshing avant-garde rock music, which adeptly incorporates elements of punk and more traditional tribal music. Their rhythms are unique and the organic interplay with the vocals is compelling. The music is complex and challenging and playful and childlike. Previously released only in Japan, Gold and Green includes guest appearances including Seiichi Yamamoto (Boredoms), Yuka Honda (Cibo Matto), and Sean Lennon. The album packaging, designed by Yoshimi, is a beautiful miniature gatefold album jacked filled with drawings and photographs by Yoshimi and other artists.
OOIOO began as a fictitious band for a photo shoot for Switch magazine in 1996. An all-female four-piece ensemble started by Yoshimi, the Boredoms' drummer, the band quickly gained attention by being the opening act for Sonic Youth in 1997. On Gold and Green, Yoshimi shows off her musical imagination and virtuosity with her songwriting, as well as by playing the guitar, flute, and trumpet, singing, and adding a number of percussion elements. Yoshimi is joined in OOIOO by the striking Kayano on guitar and vocals, the petite and powerful Maki on bass, and the amazing Yoshico on drums.
OOIOO toured the United States in 2004 for the first time in over five years in support of their recent release, Kila Kila Kila. Their soldout tour performances were notable for their unique exuberance and captivating stage presence. Starting off with a vocals-only polyrhythmic song, the band struck a chord like no other. They will be recording a new album for release in the fall of 2006.
音楽フリーク注目のレーベル、Warp傘下の〈Disciples〉からPhewの最新作『Vertigo KO』がリリース!
このアルバムの隠されたメッセージは、「なんてひどい世界、でも生き残ろう」です。” - Phew
日本のアンダーグラウンド・ミュージック界の伝説的なアーティスト、Phew。1978年に大阪で最も初期のパンク・グループの一つであるアーント・サリー (Aunt Sally) のフロントを務めたのを皮切りに、80年代にはソロ・アーティストとして坂本龍一、コニー・プランク、CANのホルガー・シューカイ、ヤキ・リーベツァイト、アインシュテュルツェンデ・ノイバウテンのアレクサンダー・ハッケ、DAFのクリス・ハースなど、多くの著名なアーティストとのコラボレーションを行い、近年では、レインコーツのアナ・ダ・シルヴァ、ジム・オルーク、イクエ・モリ、オーレン・アンバーチ、ボアダムス/OOIOO/SaicobabのYoshimi (Yoshimi P-We) などとのコラボレーションも行っている彼女が、最新作のリリースを発表。
Phewの80年代初期のニューウェイブ指向の作品には、日本のみならず海外のコアな音楽フリークやレーベルから多くの関心が寄せられており、コラボレートしてきた著名なアーティストたちの数々も印象的だが、〈Disciples〉は『Light Sleep』『Voice Hardcore』といった近年の作品は、彼女の素晴らしいキャリアの中でもモダン・クラシックと呼ぶべき傑作であり、Phewが今、再び最盛期を迎えていることを確信し、本作のリリースへと繋がった。〈Disciples〉が今回のリリースにおいて探求したいと思ったのは、まさに彼女の今なのだ。『Vertigo KO』は、前述の2枚のアルバムと同じ時期に録音された楽曲と、今回のリリース用に制作の新曲を収録。アルバムには20ページのブックレットが付属しており、Phewについての文章と、表紙にもなっている塩田正幸の写真が収録。
Included here are a variety of pipe organ-style instruments, large-scale self-made instruments that combine huge metal plates and junk materials, in addition to installations that vibrate and be beaten under computer control. It is a live performance that announces the opening of the exhibition of works in which the artist participated. This is a very different content from the installation that was open to the public, and it is a one-time performance on November 8, 1987, which was handed down only by the invited guests who experienced this performance at that time and was half legendary.
Bagpipes by Yoshi Wada and other improvisational field artists, percussionist Michael Pagres, who co-starred with David Tudor and others at the Merce Cunningham Dance Company performance, and computer programs were created. At the same time, David Reina assisted the electronic sound in the performance of La Monte Young.
This work, which took a year and a half to complete, has an unusually short time of 33 minutes with 13 songs, but in a blink of an eye, it is swallowed by the transition of a magnificent time. I am impressed by the outstanding ambient view that looks after Post-Internet-New Age Revival and the solitary soundscape that fascinates the standard of the current experimental scene with a stylish sound that is one or two steps ahead! In addition to the former influenced by Hiroshi Yoshimura, Midori Takada, Nuno Canavarro, Haruomi Hosono, etc., it is said to be a big stone thrown in to push the timeless view of ambient music to the next stage. It should be a work. And even from the point of view that Japanese writers have achieved it, this is a release that cannot be overlooked. Mastering is done by Takuto Kuratani, also known as Ruv Bytes. I am deeply drawn to the artwork that Takao himself shot in Shonan.