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凄まじいドローン作品、手放しでレコメンドします。La Monte Young & Marian Zazeelaに師事したストックホルム拠点の作曲家、サウンド・アーティストであり、Mats ErlandssonやMaria W. Hornといった同郷の名作家たちも参加する実験的オーケストラ”Golden Offence Orchestra”やKali MaloneにMaria W.Hornも参加のオーディオヴィジュアル・カルテット”Hästköttskandalen”などでもその手腕を見せつけてきたEllen Arkbroがデジタル・リリースしていたアルバム『Sounds While Waiting』が〈Superior Viaduct〉より初アナログ化。2020年6月にスウェーデンのウナリッドにある何世紀もの歴史のある教会で録音された荘厳かつ傑出した内容のミニマル/ドローン作品を収録。Sarah DavachiやEliane Radigue、Charlemagne Palestineなどのファンなら絶対に要チェックの一枚!
Kakuhan, a unit of Hino and Hiroki Nakagawa, has released a self-released CD, which has been sold exclusively at live venues, on "Nakid," a hot label run by Koshiro Hino, who is also well known for his activities with goat and YPY and for running "birdFriend," and has released such powerful artists as Keith Fullerton Whitman and Mark Fell & Will Guthrie. The CD is a self-released CD by Kakuhan, a unit consisting of Hino and Hiroki Nakagawa, which has been sold exclusively at live venues and has won critical acclaim!
The CD includes a live performance by KAKUHAN, a unit consisting of YPY, Hino Koshiro, and cellist Nakagawa Hiroki, at the "Feldman meets freq 2022" event held at Kyushu University in February 2022.
KAKUHAN's first album "Metalzone", released at the end of 2022, was voted the 5th best release of 2022 by Boomkat and the 5th best album of the year by Music Magazine in the best electronic music category. The CD contains a total of six songs, including the previous night's "Prototype," a song from the same album, and includes a song that can only be heard on this CD.
As the unit name suggests, the various elements of both artists' activities-"electronic music/strings," "contemporary/club music," "traditional/contemporary," "physical/metaphysical," "composition/improvisation"-are literally "stirred" in the performance. It is highly recommended to listen to it together with "Metalzone"!