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This album, released in 2012, continues the themes and sonic textures found in Music for Films, Music for Airports, and Apollo : Atmospheres and Soundtracks, where Eno began his exploration of ambient music. It is clear that he is pursuing further possibilities. Eno himself regards this album as the latest project in his "Music for Thinking" series, which also includes "Discreet Music" (1975) and "Neroli" (1993).
LUX is one of Eno's most ambitious works to date. 75 minutes in length, it consists of 12 parts and was originally developed from music created for the sound installation exhibition "Music for the Great Gallery of the Palace of Venaria" currently being held in Turin, Italy. It evolved from music originally created for a sound installation exhibition [Music for the Great Gallery of the Palace of Venaria] currently being held in Turin, Italy. This is Brian Eno's third work for the label, following "Small Craft on a Milk Sea" with Jon Hopkins and Leo Abrahams and "Drums Between The Bells" with poet Rick Holland. It is Brian Eno's first ambient album of the 21st century, and the one that the world has been waiting for.
Top Boy is the British television crime drama series, created and written by Ronan Bennett. The story follows two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty streets of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler. It stars Ashley Walters, Kane Robinson, and the 2020 BAFTA Rising Star Award-winning Michael Ward. The first two seasons aired between 2011 and 2013, but following interest from rapper Drake, Netflix announced in 2017 that it would revive the series. Co-produced by the Hotline Bling-rapper, the third and fourth season of Top Boy launched in 2019 and 2022.
In the captivating Netflix series Top Boy, Brian Eno's transcendent music serves as a vital companion, molding the narrative's essence with its ethereal power. With a masterful touch, Eno's atmospheric compositions effortlessly transport us into the gritty world of crime, friendship, and survival in East London. From delicate ambience to pulsating beats, his sonic tapestry envelops every scene, elevating the storytelling and evoking a range of emotions. Eno's singular ability to capture the struggle, hope, and inner strength of the characters accentuates the raw authenticity of Top Boy, leaving an indelible mark on its viewers. His haunting melodies and intricately crafted soundscapes symbolize the unyielding resilience amidst chaos, making Brian Eno's music an integral and unforgettable component of this groundbreaking series. This album represents Eno's contributions across the entirety of the Series with music from every season and will be released alongside the final season launching on Netflix in September.
“From the beginning of Top Boy, I was given the freedom to work in the way I prefer,” says Brian, “making music and atmospheres and then giving it to the film makers to use as they saw fit. I try to absorb the idea of what a piece is about and from that I produce a lot of music, and say, ‘Here it is. Use it as you wish.’
“If you’d been scoring it in the conventional Hollywood way, the temptation would be to up the excitement factor, up the danger factor, all the time. But Top Boy is really about children in a pretty bad situation. So I explored the internal world of the children, not just what’s happening to them in the external world. Quite a lot of the music was deliberately naive, it was sort of simple. The melodies were simple, not really sophisticated, or grown-up.”
Top Boy is the British television crime drama series, created and written by Ronan Bennett. The story follows two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty streets of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler. It stars Ashley Walters, Kane Robinson, and the 2020 BAFTA Rising Star Award-winning Michael Ward. The first two seasons aired between 2011 and 2013, but following interest from rapper Drake, Netflix announced in 2017 that it would revive the series. Co-produced by the Hotline Bling-rapper, the third and fourth season of Top Boy launched in 2019 and 2022.
In the captivating Netflix series Top Boy, Brian Eno's transcendent music serves as a vital companion, molding the narrative's essence with its ethereal power. With a masterful touch, Eno's atmospheric compositions effortlessly transport us into the gritty world of crime, friendship, and survival in East London. From delicate ambience to pulsating beats, his sonic tapestry envelops every scene, elevating the storytelling and evoking a range of emotions. Eno's singular ability to capture the struggle, hope, and inner strength of the characters accentuates the raw authenticity of Top Boy, leaving an indelible mark on its viewers. His haunting melodies and intricately crafted soundscapes symbolize the unyielding resilience amidst chaos, making Brian Eno's music an integral and unforgettable component of this groundbreaking series. This album represents Eno's contributions across the entirety of the Series with music from every season and will be released alongside the final season launching on Netflix in September.
“From the beginning of Top Boy, I was given the freedom to work in the way I prefer,” says Brian, “making music and atmospheres and then giving it to the film makers to use as they saw fit. I try to absorb the idea of what a piece is about and from that I produce a lot of music, and say, ‘Here it is. Use it as you wish.’
“If you’d been scoring it in the conventional Hollywood way, the temptation would be to up the excitement factor, up the danger factor, all the time. But Top Boy is really about children in a pretty bad situation. So I explored the internal world of the children, not just what’s happening to them in the external world. Quite a lot of the music was deliberately naive, it was sort of simple. The melodies were simple, not really sophisticated, or grown-up.”
知られざる奇跡的邂逅が蘇る−−今から遡ること四半世紀前の1998年8月27日、ブライアン・イーノ、CANのホルガー・シューカイ、J・ペーター・シュヴァルムが繰り広げたインプロヴィゼーション・ライヴがこのたび、発掘音源『Sushi. Roti. Reibekuchen』としてリリースされる運びとなった。
1990年代といえばブライアン・イーノが「歓迎されないジャズ(Unwelcome Jazz)」と呼んだ「新種の音楽」としての独自のジャズにアプローチしていた時期でもある。その成果は名称を変えて1997年のアルバム『The Drop』にまとめられることになるのだが、翌1998年に彼はまさに自身がアプローチしていたジャズに近しい音楽と運命的な出会いを果たすことになる。それがJ・ペーター・シュヴァルムによるバンド・プロジェクト、スロップ・ショップのデビュー・アルバム『Makrodelia』(1998年)だった。意気投合した両者はコラボレーションを開始し、2000年に伶楽舎とディスクを分担した2枚組『music for 陰陽師』を、2001年にはCANのホルガー・シューカイを含む多数のミュージシャンを交えた『Drawn from Life』を完成させる−−のだが実はそこには前日譚があった。
イーノがシュヴァルムと知り合って間もない頃、3回目に会ったのがこのたびの発掘音源のリハーサルだそうである。そしてそこにはスロップ・ショップのベーシストであるラウル・ウォルトンおよびドラマーであるイェルン・アタイのほか、シュヴァルムが初めて対面する、カンの創設メンバーでありベーシストとしても知られるホルガー・シューカイがいた。イーノとシューカイはすでに『Cluster and Eno』(1977年)および『After The Heat』(1978年)で共同作業していたが、いずれもシューカイが参加したのは1曲のみ、かつベーシストとしての客演だった。しかし発掘音源に収められたイーノおよびシュヴァルムとのセッションでは、シューカイが「ラジオ・ペインティング」と呼ぶような、短波ラジオとテープを用いたサンプリング/コラージュを行っている。ともかく、三者が揃ってライヴを披露するのは初めてのことだった。しかもウォルトン、アタイを含む5人のメンバーが揃って演奏を行う機会はその後ついに訪れなかった。奇跡的な邂逅と言っていいだろう。
ブライアン・イーノが当時ライヴを行うこと自体も珍しかった。だがこの発掘音源の元となった「Sushi! Roti! Reibekuchen!」なるイベントはやや特殊なものだった。食べ物をタイトルに掲げているように、主役は料理人なのである。というのも、ドイツ・ボンの美術展示館で開催されたイーノによるインスタレーション展のオープニング・パーティーとして野外で行われたイベントだったのだが、字義通りパーティーであり、会場では大勢の来場者に料理人たちが食べ物を振る舞っていた。そうした中、用意されたステージでドローンが鳴り始め、そして5人のミュージシャンが即興で演奏を行った。イーノによればこのイベントにおけるパフォーマーは料理人たちであり、自分たちが作っているのはバックグラウンド・ミュージック。つまり音楽のパフォーマンスではなく、バックグラウンド・ミュージック付きの料理のパフォーマンスなのだという。イーノらしいコンセプトだと思うが、しかし、ステージで魅せる音楽は少なくない観衆の耳を釘付けにした。イーノとシュヴァルムが作り出すミニマルでアンビエント/ドローンなサウンドに、ホルガー・シューカイのサンプリング/コラージュが色を添え、そしてラウル・ウォルトンとイェルン・アタイは時に人力ドラムンベースのごとく怒涛のグルーヴを生み出していく。演奏は2セット、計3時間にもおよび、最後は警察に電源を切られて強制終了させられたという逸話さえ残っている。
発掘音源『Sushi. Roti. Reibekuchen』に収められているのは、そのような計3時間のライヴから抜粋された5つのトラックである。「料理のパフォーマンス」に付随するバックグラウンド・ミュージックとして構想されたライヴは、こうして音源化されることで新たに主役の座に躍り出る。そこから聴こえてくるサウンドは、ブライアン・イーノ、ホルガー・シューカイ、J・ペーター・シュヴァルムという三者の一期一会の本格的なインプロヴィゼーションであるとともに、ただ貴重な記録というだけに留まらず、アンビエント経由の「歓迎されないジャズ」に類する音楽が生演奏で収められた作品として、四半世紀経った2024年現在も実に興味深く思えるのである。
Text by 細田成嗣
Distant Call is a collection of early demos that were worked into finished productions appearing on Haha Sound, Tender Buttons and The Future Crayon.
The album also includes two songs discovered by James after Trish’s passing: “Come Back To Me” and “Please Call To Book” which was her response to Broadcast's 2006 ‘Let’s Write A Song’ project, where fans were asked to submit lyrics on a postcard which would then be worked into a finished song.
Distant Call is a closing of the door on Broadcast and will be the last release from the band.
Limited cassette edition with 6 additional tracks not included on the vinyl. Brother Theotis Taylor is a 92-year-old spiritual singer and piano player known throughout South Georgia and beyond for his powerful voice and heavenly falsetto. His music took him from his home in Fitzgerald, Georgia, to the stage with Sam Cooke and the Soul Stirrers, to Harlem’s Apollo, and even to Carnegie Hall.
Though his releases are limited to six stunning and rare singles on the Pitch label and a single small-press LP, his recorded archive is vast. For much of his life, Brother Taylor kept a reel-to-reel recorder atop his piano at home.
“The music just comes down on you,” Brother Taylor told us late last year. “You always have your machine where you can catch everything. ‘Cause what you can catch today you can’t remember tomorrow.”
Brother Taylor recorded himself on his DIY home setup only when he was inspired by a higher power, often fasting and praying for days before recording. These intimate home recordings were digitized in 2020 and are being heard for the first time with this release.
Revisiting these old songs brought Brother Taylor to tears. “[When I hear this music] I pick up the same spirit that I did it in. And you see me cryin’. It made me feel good ‘cause I know I did it and I did it well. And I want to see it get out, because if it made me feel good, it make somebody else feel good. Right? This is spiritual music.”