
2 products

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Karlheinz Stockhausen - Kontakte (CD)
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Kontakte (CD)Wergo

The contact between electronic sound and live instrumental sound, and the contact of the moment 'now'.

Contacte means contact. It is the contact between the electronic sound and the live player (instrumental sound), and also the contact of each moment of what Stockhausen calls the 'instant form'.
Regarding the 'momentary form,' Stockhausen said in a late-night music program on West German Radio in Cologne on January 12, 1961: "In recent years, a lot of music has been composed that is far from a form with a dramatic finale. There are no climaxes, no signs of climaxes, and no stages of development in these works. Rather, they suddenly and violently build up and try to maintain the 'peak' until the end of the work. It is always at a maximum or minimum, and the listener cannot predict how the piece will progress. It is not a moment that is part of a passage, nor is it a part of a constant duration. The concentration on the 'now' creates a vertical line that breaks the horizontal concept of time and leads us to the timeless..."
As the listener listens to the booming sounds coming from various directions, dark noises, percussion instruments, piano sounds, etc., the listener is freed from this world dominated by time flowing inexorably, and has a very dense and mysterious musical experience.
There are two versions of "Contacte": one for electronic sounds only, and the other for electronic instruments, piano, and percussion.

Ludger Brümmer - Sonic Patterns 音の文様 (2CD)
Ludger Brümmer - Sonic Patterns 音の文様 (2CD)Wergo
Brümmer, the master of computer music
Creative music in pursuit of new richness
Surprised by the beauty of electronic sounds

A new album following "Resonance Sphere" (WER-2077) released in August 2022 by Rudger Brunmer, who has released extremely unique works in electronic, algorithmic, and computer music for decades. is. In this work as well, music with a rich expression that cannot normally be achieved with acoustic instruments is brilliantly created from digital media. Even the electronic sound alone will amaze you with its beauty and the realism of the space, which is different from reality. This is a high-level electro-acoustic work that unifies and embodies the structure of instruments and music from a new perspective.
★ "Kouki Shine" begins with a murmuring sound. It develops energetically into a series of high-density rhythms, and at the moment it reaches its climax, the movement stops, transforming into a sound field in which a huge amount of sound particles fluctuate. Ravel's "Gallows" on a transformed piano are layered at different pitches and speeds.

Rudger Brümmer (1958-): Sound patterns

Amazonas (2010)
Repetitions (2005)
Shine (2007)
Between Twilight(t 2019)

Dynamic Move ~for piano, live electronics, fixed media and live video (2006)
Time opens Le temps s'ouvre (1995)
Nyx (2001)

Rudger Brunmer (Live Electronics)
Other vocalists, piano and programmers also participate

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