Infinite Fog Productions
7 products
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products

Ihor Tsymbrovsky - Come, Angel (CD)Infinite Fog Productions
Vladimir Ivkovic主催の〈Offen Music〉からも編集盤が組まれていたウクライナの女性建築家で詩人、音楽家のIhor Tsymbrovskyが、ポーランドの〈Koka Records〉から96年に人知れ...

Korpses Katatonik - Subklinikal Leukotomy Aphrenia Spasmophilik Lyssophobo Asphyxia Sinister Lethal Anorex (CD)Infinite Fog Productions
Korpses Katatonik was a musical solo project of Zoe DeWitt during the years 1982 and 1983. Unlike DeWitt's late...

Korpses Katatonik - Subklinikal Leukotomy Aphrenia Spasmophilik Lyssophobo Asphyxia Sinister Lethal Anorex (LP)Infinite Fog Productions
Korpses Katatonik was a musical solo project of Zoe DeWitt during the years 1982 and 1983. Unlike DeWitt's late...

Nurse With Wound - Thunder Perfect Mind (3LP)Infinite Fog Productions
The original release of Nurse with Wound's gargantuan "Thunder Perfect Mind" in 1992 coincided with that of Cur...

Zero Kama (3LP BOX)Infinite Fog Productions
Zero Kama was an experimental music project founded by Zoe DeWitt in 1983. The first release of Zero Kama was t...

Zero Kama What Is A Body? (CD)Infinite Fog Productions
Yes, your eyes tell you the truth – this is the first new record by Zero Kama released since 2008 live vinyl! D...

Zero Kama What Is A Body? (Marble Vinyl LP)Infinite Fog Productions
Yes, your eyes tell you the truth – this is the first new record by Zero Kama released since 2008 live vinyl! D...