Techno / House
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The story of each re-release begins with the original. In the late 90s, Uwe Zahn (Arovane), along with Robert Henke (Monolake) and Stefan Betke (Pole), began releasing music on Torsten Pröfrock’s (Dynamo) newly launched DIN label. This was a very inconspicuous undertaking, but fans of the flourishing IDM, glitch, and constantly evolving abstract techno genres quickly picked up on the quality of sound coming out of Germany. After a few successful EPs, Zahn began working on his debut full-length, Atol Scrap. The release was a success, at least in the underground circles, where followers of the melodic harmonies, stuttering off-beat rhythms, and, most importantly, advanced sound design feverishly consumed the imprint’s output. There was only one thing missing – the album was never pressed on vinyl, and for decades remained in the digital domain. The fans, of course, inquired. There were multiple offers on the table, but Zahn retained control until he was assured that it was properly attained. “I thought of taking everything into my own hands and releasing the record myself,” says Zahn, “but at the end of last year, Matthias from Keplar asked me to re-release Atol Scrap on vinyl.” The label and its owner revolve in the Morr Music universe, and so it made sense for Zahn to trust the platform to treat the record right.
Listening to Atol Scrap over twenty years later it is inane not to admit how well it has held up. Where other genres clearly aged, becoming stale, bland, and dull, the music on eleven tasty tracks still keeps the neurons tickled with each note. More than an echo of the past, the bottled sound truly has matured. Many of the newly evolving techniques are recognizable on the album. “I created the digital artifacts with a digital multi-track recorder, the Fostex D80,” recalls Zahn. “The thing had a scrub wheel with which I could achieve wonderful glitch effects by winding through the audio data. I have sampled and further processed these artifacts.” And this approach is still embedded in Zahn’s sound design. “I still use my 24-track analog desk from Tascam to mix my audio. I love to use hardware synths and samplers. I’ve definitely built upon my studio experience in the 90s.” From this debut to the most recent output, Arovane’s sound has evolved to become more intricate, detailed, and pronounced. “My music has become much quieter and much slower. But that’s probably also due to the noise in the world.” And just as Atol Scrap reminds Zahn of the past, retaining charm preserved in a container traveling through time, it also jitters memories of long ago, when we were twenty years younger, less experienced, and bold. For me, among the many records of the time, this album held a special place in life, my heart, and many CD boxes moved across the world. And now I’m only happy to restock the vinyl space, where Atol Scrap belongs among the beloved records. Welcome home. - Mike Lazarev

On behalf of re:discovery records, it is with great excitement that we announce the release of the Mysteries of Science compilation. Mysteries of Science aka Dominic Woosey (Neutron 9000) was a fixture of the ambient, ambient house and trance scene in the late 80s until the mid 90's.
These selections have been carefully chosen to show the timeless sound crafting Dominic was capable of with his wide array of sound modules. They range from space music, ambient to a proto-techno and back again. In the vein of Berlin School ambient or Tangerine Dream type sequencing, but made during the post-rave world of the early 1990s during the chill out era. Tracks to search the stars with! All of them are here for the first time on vinyl and were chosen in this order for the best listening experience.
'Virtual Wake' starts off the a side with the opening track from the self titled Mysteries of Science album. Eerie and spacey it welcomes you to the scientific space music Dominic Woosey so much excelled in. 'Technological Womb' is from the 2nd self-titled album and further hones in on the sci-fi ominous journey. 'Diffusion' bridges the album with a fantastic voyage into floating space. Finally on side d has 2 tracks featured on compilations only at the time. 'Chaos Pleasures' & 'Stranger in a Strange Land'. Both show the avante-garde approach Dominic took with this project even including an acid line combined with a violin! Yes, you heard that right! Space music at it's pinnacle in the analog sequencer realm before the true digital age. 5 songs with nearly 60 minutes of beauty. Take a listen!

On behalf of re:discovery records, it is with great excitement that we announce the release of Deep Space Network's 'Big Rooms'. Deep Space Network was a joint project by David Moufang (Move D) & Jonas Grossman and it explored electronic music that wonderfully combined ambient, chill out themes, sci-f techno and IDM. Originally released on David Moufang's Source Records and distributed by Instinct Records in America a year after. Now, 27 years later, finally released on vinyl for the very first time with original artwork with a gatefold cover

2 x LP in die cut card inner sleeves, in wide spine outer sleeve with thumb cut and embossed cover, postcard sticker insert, download card insert
A1 Acroyear2
A2 777
B1 Rae
B2 Melve
B3 Vose In
B4 Fold4,Wrap5
C1 Under BOAC
C2 Corc
C3 Caliper Remote
D1 Arch Carrier
D2 Drane2

2 x LP in printed inners with spot UV, in wide spine outer with spot UV, download card insert
A1 Cipater
A2 Rettic AC
A3 Tewe
B1 Cichli
B2 Hub
C1 Calbruc
C2 Recury
D1 Pule
D2 Nuane

The album also features remixes by Kuniyuki, Bartosz Kruczynski, Knopha, Yoshiharu Takeda and more. The album "We hear the last decades dreaming" (SAGCD035) is the first release under the Chari Chari name in 18 years and marks the return of the independent label "Seeds And Ground" by Kaoru Inoue, who has been active as a DJ and producer for over 25 years. In addition to a series of remix EPs (three analog releases) from "We hear the last decades dreaming" (SAGCD035), the first album under the Chari Chari name in 18 years, a new album with additional unreleased tracks has already arrived.
The fascinating team of remixers includes Kuniyuki, a treasure from the north (Sapporo) who has been active overseas, and Chida, a veteran house DJ who has opened up DJ gigs overseas on his own. Chida, a veteran house DJ who has been active in the underground scene for a long time, and Mamazu (Hole & Holland), a DJ/producer who has been very active in the underground scene in recent years. The album also includes two tracks of self-rework by Kaoru Inoue himself.
Also based in Warsaw, Poland, Takeda's rave-revival sound production under the name Earth Trax has become a hot topic, and under his own name, he has been releasing excellent new music on the popular German digger label Growing Bin. "Bartosz Kruczyński, who is based in Warsaw, Poland, and has released two excellent New Age-style albums under the name Earth Trax, and Knopha, a popular underground DJ in Xiamen, China, whose two previously released analog EPs sold out in an instant. The album also includes a number of reworks by overseas artists.

Master drummer Jaki Liebezeit was very pleased that the craft of drum making has not changed much over the course of time. Be it that a skin is stretched over a drum with cords or bolts or be it that the skin is out of plastic or animal hide – the principle remains the same: Either enclose a hollow space without which there would be no sound (just imagine a drum filled with clay!).
The same applies to the perception of rhythm.
Everything is reduced to the essential: the hollow space in the centre.
It is the invisible that matters.
All tracks on the second Drums Off Chaos EP revolve around this vacant space in the middle.
A centre that is filled with – nothing.
The focus is on abstract, grooving drum music.
Rhythms are reduced to their elementary nucleus to such an extent that they can be perceived as clearly singular but also as universal.
And something emerges that follows universal laws such as gravity, ergonomics and acoustics.
“Play what the drum demands,” was one of Jaki’s sayings.
Together with him, Drums Off Chaos took this to heart. The EP centres on rhythms that are based on simple numerical relationships allowing their richness to unfurl from within.