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International man of dub techno mystery, Shinichi Atobe returns to DDS with a new double album of pensile steppers and lip-smacking, feathered swang, a good 10 years since first crossing paths with Demdike Stare’s label - a massive RIYL for any heads into DJ Sprinkles, Red Planet, Mike Huckaby, Sususmu Yokota, Convextion, NWAQ.
For years people were convinced that Atobe was a well known artist (probably German) working incognito. Thanks to a flowery twitter feed, plus some interviews, all that distraction has been finally laid to rest. Still offering little in the way of biographical factoids, though, Atobe lets the music do the talking in typically emotively nuanced and special style on his 7th album ‘Discipline’, offering further refinements of prevailing, salient ‘90s deep house, dub techno and ambient scenes cultivated and pruned to near perfection.
Hailing a sensuality and feel for spaced movement that’s been lost to club music’s EQ arms race over the decades, he comes poised with a near ineffable lightness of being, flush with a newfound effervescence that’s come to define his work in recent years. There’s a real electro-acousmagique in-the-mix that conveys beautifully at low or high volume, elegantly guiding bodies in motion like little else.
Atobe’s grasp of deferred gratification and tempered gravitas is really the key thing, carrying from the fluttering 8-bit melodies and purring techno bass of ‘SA DUB 1’ to tender beatdown and blushing FM chords, then into flirtations with hair-kissing trance like Convextion and AGCG gone Goa in ‘SA DUB 2’, thru brisk Red Planet techno and a sort of shoegazing, acidic panorama in ‘SA DUB 5’, defining Terrence Dixon-esque levels of Motor City mechanical nous on ‘SA DUB 6’, and into the subaquatic, pearlescent dub house promise of ‘SA DUB 7’.
Chef’s kisses, all the way.
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Soundtrack of the late seventies, early eighties with particular attention to vintage instrumentation and the hard and pure approach that distinguishes the elegance and refinement of this composer, musician, able to make us relive echoes of the past while remaining comfortably seated on the sofa of our home. Alberto Bazzoli amazes with this new test. There are elements of great importance in Missori, a set of tracks that become a dedication to the city of Milan. An album that is a sort of introspective concept capable of narrating, musically, the events of an ordinary employee in the gray city of northern Italy. An album from which you can perceive an underlying melancholy perpetuated through moments of great class, where the taste for the past comes out in all its splendor. Alberto Bazzoli, founder of the label L’amor mio non muore and keyboardist on Baustelle’s latest tour, delivers to listeners an Italian cross-section of rare beauty where all the elements in the field are essential parts of a whole that smells of emotional amarcord capable of finding, in the lost, the key to understanding the modern complexity of living.<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 406px;" src="" seamless><a href="">MISSORI by Alberto Bazzoli</a></iframe>