


5350 products

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products
12 results
Shin Joong Hyun - Beautiful Rivers and Mountains (2LP Blue Black Splatter)
Shin Joong Hyun - Beautiful Rivers and Mountains (2LP Blue Black Splatter)LIGHT IN THE ATTIC
韓国初のロック・バンドとされる「Add4」を率いた同国のロック・ミュージックのパイオニアであり、「ロックのゴッドファーザー」と称される、ロック・ギタリスト/シンガーソングライターのShin Joong-hyunの決定版的ア...
Studio360 Group - The Prophet (LP)Studio360 Group - The Prophet (LP)
Studio360 Group - The Prophet (LP)STUDIO360
An all-star project featuring Cadejo, pianist Seok-chul Yoon, saxophonist Oki Kim, and vibraphonist Mothervibes...
김반월키 Kimbanourke - 빈자리 Binjari (LP)
김반월키 Kimbanourke - 빈자리 Binjari (LP)GG RECORDS
김반월키 Kimbanourke is a singer and songwriter born in 1999 in South Korea. Influenced by Korean aerial thieves (P...
Shin Joong Hyun - From Where to Where 1970-1979 (LP Yellow Jacket)
Shin Joong Hyun - From Where to Where 1970-1979 (LP Yellow Jacket)LIGHT IN THE ATTIC
“ important to Korean rock in 1970-75 as Phil Spector had been to America's pop scene a decade earlier, an...
V.A.- Our Town: Jazz Fusion, Funky Pop & Bossa Gayo Tracks from Dong-A Records (Pink Vinyl LP)
V.A.- Our Town: Jazz Fusion, Funky Pop & Bossa Gayo Tracks from Dong-A Records (Pink Vinyl LP)Beat Ball Music
Blue vinyl. One word that could be used to aptly describe Japan’s society and culture during the 1980s would be...
Okkyung Lee - Yeo-Neun (LP)Okkyung Lee - Yeo-Neun (LP)
Okkyung Lee - Yeo-Neun (LP)Shelter Press
Recommended for fans of modern classical music like Another Timbre and Elsewhere! Okkyung Lee is a Korean celli...
Mogwaa - Journey Home (LP)
Mogwaa - Journey Home (LP)Bless You
After his first album on BLESSYOU "Turquoise", Mogwaa aka Seungyoung Lee from Seoul is back with another stella...
Salamanda - In Parallel (LP)Salamanda - In Parallel (LP)
Salamanda - In Parallel (LP)Wisdom Teeth
Seoul duo Salamanda arrive on Wisdom Teeth with their latest and most focused LP yet: 'In Parallel' - a vividly...
Yetsuby - Water Flash (12"+DL)Yetsuby - Water Flash (12"+DL)
Yetsuby - Water Flash (12"+DL)Third Place Records
Yetsuby lands on Third Place with her 'Water Flash' EP this July with four bubbly tracks :) Seoul-based artist...
Yaeji - With A Hammer (Hot Pink Vinyl LP)Yaeji - With A Hammer (Hot Pink Vinyl LP)
Yaeji - With A Hammer (Hot Pink Vinyl LP)XL Recordings
With A Hammer is the debut studio album by New York singer-songwriter Yaeji. “With A Hammer” was composed acro...
Salamanda - Ashbalkum (LP)
Salamanda - Ashbalkum (LP)Human Pitch
Human Pitch is proud to welcome Seoul-based duo Salamanda to the label for the release of their third LP ashbal...
Mogwaa - Del Mar (LP)Mogwaa - Del Mar (LP)
Mogwaa - Del Mar (LP)MM Discos
The underground music scene in Asia has experimented a notorious rise in the last years, Taiwan, Indonesia, Tha...