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The only studio album by Madvillain (MF DOOM & Madlib) – widely regarded as one of the best hip-hop albums of all time.
“Inexhaustibly brilliant, with layer-upon-layer of carefully considered yet immediate hip- hop, forward-thinking but always close to its roots.” - Pitchfork
This new version includes upgraded packaging combined with audiophile sound quality for the ultimate listening experience.

LA が生んだレジェンド:MADLIB、永遠にしてもはや幻のプロジェクト:Quasimoto 名義でリリースした2013年のアルバム”YESSIR WHATEVER”が、新たなシルバー・フォイル(銀箔)エディションで限定枚数のLPリリースが決定。メタリック・カラー盤+ジャケットのQuasimotoのイラストもオリジナル盤同様にステッカー仕様となっております。
ヒップホップからジャズ、ソウル、ワールド、ビートシーンまであらゆるシーンがその動向をチェックしている LA が生んだ真の鬼才 / 最重要プロデューサー:Madlib の別名義プロジェクトが Quasimoto。ソウル、ジャズ、ファンク、ディスコからレゲエ、ワールド、ライブラリー、、膨大なレコードコレ クションから奇想天外なサンプリングソースを大胆に活かして直感的に作られたMadlibのトラックが次々に展開、そこにQuasimotoと Madlib自身が絶妙のコンビネーションでスピーディーにラップを繰り広げる様はまさに圧巻!Madlibのワンアンドオンリーの世界観が生み出すこの極めつけのフィーリングは聴けば聴くほどにハマる! サンプリングによるストレートなヒップホップが持つ無限の可能性を改めて感じさせてくれる。更にマッドな世界観をいっそう際立たせるLAを代表するアーティスト:Jeff JankによるQuasimotoキャラクターのイラストも最高です。

Jeff Jank, designer of the original album and “Gold Chains” edition:
The first time I heard The Further Adventures of Lord Quas, it struck me as a hip-hop equivalent of Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention’s We’re Only in It for the Money (1968). Zappa’s crazy, chaotic record also happened to feature the first-ever knock-off cover of The Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, a tradition in graphic arts that continues to this day. The ‘Gold Chains’ collage is my own spin on the tradition, also taking its inspiration from Madlib’s track “Rappcats Pt. 3.”
This alternate cover for Further Adventures was designed Fall 2020. In just a year between then and now we lost three of the heroes in the collage: DOOM, Biz Markie, and Melvin Van Peebles.

This newly assembled compilation is a great example of Snoop Dogg's enduring influence in hip-hop. The record features collaborations with fellow legends such as Nate Dogg and Warren G who deliver classic tracks such as 'Never Leave Me Alone' and 'Friends.' While it doesn't introduce new material, the collection serves as a testament to Snoop's vast bay of worth and is a nostalgic journey through his extensive career. The inclusion of both well-known hits and deeper cuts provides a comprehensive look at his collaborations and brings out different sides to his sounds and styles to his bars. It's a fun, essential slab of wax.

In 2002, before Madlib and MF DOOM finished Madvillainy, the first demo sequence of the album leaked online – early vocal cuts from DOOM, recorded then quickly mixed in LA at Madlib’s Bomb Shelter studio. The leak spread around the world, and while the tracks may have been unfinished, it was clear that this was a hip-hop album unlike any other…
We’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of Madvillainy by releasing the Demos on vinyl for the first time, mastered by Dave Cooley, and with a new cover photo and insert of photographer Eric Coleman's contact sheets from the original album shoot. Vinyl mastering by Phil Rodriguez.

A quarter century since their 1998 debut, No Fear of Time finally reunites one of the greatest hip-hop duos of all-time, Black Star. Group members yasiin bey and Talib Kweli first joined forces to deliver their iconic breakout, Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star, which quickly became one of hip-hop's most revered works and launched both already-rising stars into the stratosphere. Although each has since enjoyed success and acclaim in their individual careers, they've never realigned for a sophomore follow-up to that release until now. Produced entirely by renowned beatsmith Madlib, No Fear of Time has a future vibe with vintage soul. The 9-track album was recorded guerrilla-style in hotels and dressing rooms around the globe, and initially saw a non-traditional release, being made available exclusively on a subscription-based podcast platform. Now, the album is officially available on physical formats for fans worldwide to own and appreciate the triumphant return of Black Star.

Releasing now for well over a decade - Neue Grafik: known to friends as Fred, has successfully transplanted from Parisian rookie to one- man London Institution. Beginning as a solo producer and DJ, Fred spread his wings upon relocating to South London - at first with his Neue Grafik Ensemble and later with his now iconic twice-weekly Orii Jam - the latter of which has given agency to an entire new generation of musicians; spawning an aesthetic, nurturing a unique sound and becoming a launchpad for countless artists.
Dalston Tape Volume 1 is Fred’s attempt to fall back in love with beatmaking - taking it back to the roots of where the project began. I say “attempt” because he’s simply learnt too much and made too many friends along the way to make a mere DIY beat tape. Since his early MPC-led productions on Parisian label, Beat X Changers, Fred has learnt to play the keys to a concert hall standard, he has become proficient in double bass and built up a dense network of collaborators who he has composed, recorded, engineered and produced for both at home in SE London and in the iconic Total Refreshment Centre Studios in Dalston.
This experience adds unavoidable dimensions to his toolbox - resulting in something more akin to a miniature-magnum-opus than a simple beat-tape. Yes, we hear the influences of Pete Rock, Mad Lib, J Dilla and Al Dobson Jr but we also hear the musicality of D’Aneglo, James Blake and live contributions from an ever growing army of young graduates of the Orii School.
Beats are finely crafted, virtuosically finished and at times - excruciatingly short! So short it’s almost a flex - but a humble one at that. If this is what Neue Grafik can do on his lunch break imagine what he could do with enough time and budget!?
The “ Volume 1” suffix reassures us more is to come, and the “tapes” suggests that whilst these may be brief sketches , there’s nothing throw away about them - on the contrary, we’re witnessing an artist in full flow, moving solo as nimbly as he does with an orchestra, a man with too many ideas and not enough time offering us a brief glimpse into his musical world and reminding us that despite all he has learnt he is, at his core - a beat maker.
The only question which remains is whether he is intentionally teasing us with these bite size nuggets or inadvertently elevating the art-form to new heights. That, is for you to decide...

The first analog version of the classic hip-hop jam album released in 2005 by Pardon Kimura and KILLER-BONG, the head of BLACK SMOKER RECORDS, is now available for the first time.