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t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 -  星間性交 (Triple Gatefold Ghost Edition Vinyl 3LP)t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 -  星間性交 (Triple Gatefold Ghost Edition Vinyl 3LP)
t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - 星間性交 (Triple Gatefold Ghost Edition Vinyl 3LP)Geometric Lullaby

ヴェイパーウェイヴ史上に残る伝説的名作が待望の再来!当初ジャンルの標榜したアイロニカルなコンセプトが自分たちのジャンルの氾濫に溺れ、2012年に一度ジャンルの死を宣言されたVaporwave。それ以降の流れの中で現れた世代の作家として最大の特異点的人物であり、今も熱狂的なファンを増やし続けるオハイオ発のレジェンド、ドリームパンクのパイオニア、t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者が、〈Dream Catalogue〉全盛期の2015年に発表した金字塔『星間性交』が奇跡の3LP化再発!テレパシー能力者関連の作品としても『現実を超えて』や『アンタラ通信』『ロストエデンへのパス』などといったこのジャンルの古典的名作と並んで断トツに評価の高いマスターピースが遂にアナログ・リリース。テレパシー能力者の慈愛と祈り、安らぎの全てが詰め込まれた作品と言っても過言ではない作品といえるこのアルバムには、10分越えの大曲も数多く収録。メランコリックでシュルレアリスム的でありつつも温かなアンビエンスと気品、ほろ苦さ、メロウネスを備えた、独特の瞑想的でロマンチックな雰囲気。遥か遠くの最愛の夢想、明日への視線、憂い、幻想、希望、感傷。人が生き、恋焦がれる事、人を愛する事、その普遍的な美しさを、惑星間の性交という宇宙的なスケールで描き切った、独り深夜に浴びたいスラッシュウェイヴ/ドリームパンクの名盤。テレパシー能力者という、ヴェイパーウェイヴ界屈指のロマンチストによる最高傑作です。未体験の方はこの機会にアナログで是非!

Nmesh / Telepath テレパシー能力者 - ロストエデンへのパス (Black Audiophile Edition 3LP)Nmesh / Telepath テレパシー能力者 - ロストエデンへのパス (Black Audiophile Edition 3LP)
Nmesh / Telepath テレパシー能力者 - ロストエデンへのパス (Black Audiophile Edition 3LP)Geometric Lullaby

ヴェイパーウェイヴ史上に残る伝説的名作が待望の再来!当初ジャンルの標榜したアイロニカルなコンセプトが自分たちのジャンルの氾濫に溺れ、2012年に一度ジャンルの死を宣言されたVaporwave。それ以降の流れの中で現れた世代の作家として最大の特異点的人物であり、今も熱狂的なファンを増やし続けるオハイオ発のレジェンド、ドリームパンクのパイオニア、t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者が、〈Dream Catalogue〉や〈Orange Milk Records〉〈AMDISCS〉などから作品を発表してきた実験的作家Nmeshと共に全盛期の〈Dream Catalogue〉から2015年に発表したスプリット・アルバムにして、同ジャンルのクラシック『ロストエデンへのパス』が待望の3LP化再発!テレパシー能力者関連の作品としても『現実を超えて』や『アンタラ通信』『星間性交』などといったこのジャンルの古典的名作と並んで断トツに評価の高いマスターピースが遂にアナログ・リリース。「ロ​ス​ト​エ​デ​ン​」と表題に冠されている通り、その後のHKEとの2814『新しい日の誕生』が頭をよぎる、東洋的異都憧憬の入り混じったサイバーパンク的な混沌とした世界観、シュルレアリスム、亜熱帯的な湿度と民族的な繰り返しのリズムが織り合い、孤独で鎮静的な孤高の雰囲気を作り上げています。

식료품groceries - Housewares (Fluorescent Blue LP)식료품groceries - Housewares (Fluorescent Blue LP)
식료품groceries - Housewares (Fluorescent Blue LP)Geometric Lullaby
A more conceptual Mallsoft work that combines a unique mellowness with a psychedelic, surreal atmosphere, digital psychedelia, and nostalgic sentimentality to create a bittersweet, mysterious worldview.

식료품groceries - Ascension (Ethernet Green Vinyl LP)식료품groceries - Ascension (Ethernet Green Vinyl LP)
식료품groceries - Ascension (Ethernet Green Vinyl LP)Geometric Lullaby
Great 2017 album by New York legends, 식료품groceries, who have supported the development of vaporwave while traversing subgenres such as Mallsoft and Utopian Virtual.

desert sand feels warm at night & MindSpring Memories - Desert Memories (Bright Yellow Marbled Vinyl 2LP)desert sand feels warm at night & MindSpring Memories - Desert Memories (Bright Yellow Marbled Vinyl 2LP)
desert sand feels warm at night & MindSpring Memories - Desert Memories (Bright Yellow Marbled Vinyl 2LP)Geometric Lullaby
This album is a collaboration between two slushwave legends.

PJS - Praxis (Blue/White Vinyl LP)PJS - Praxis (Blue/White Vinyl LP)
PJS - Praxis (Blue/White Vinyl LP)Geometric Lullaby
Praxis “Can you hear it now?” she asked, her eyes reflecting the undulating ocean waves. I cupped my hands behind my ears to aid their search for her elusive sound. “I hear nothing. I’m trying my best, I swear.” We sat cross-legged on the highest rock we could find overlooking the tireless sea. This was the third time the mysterious woman had invited me to this place. Together we’d spent countless hours absorbing the whispers of the tides, searching for meaning in the mists as water leapt into proud standing stones along the shore. I’d never even asked her name. Somehow, that all seemed unimportant to what we had together, not that I could describe it in words. We just both knew without need for explanation. I think that’s why I continued to return. The woman smiled as she often did, yet managed to look anything but happy. She tucked locks of hair behind her ears, the color of dust and faint shadows. Her vibrant dress fluttered in the salty air. Tucking my legs under me, I rocked back and forth. To be truthful, I hadn’t any idea what drew me to her in the first place. Something about the way she’d offered her slender hand, inviting but not obligatory. The way her hips swayed with the ocean undercurrent as she walked. Her hazel eyes, always searching. The woman’s smile grew. “You’ll hear it one day,” she said. “I know you will. I can’t be the only one. Maybe if I described the sound to you.” “You’ve tried,” I told her. “I only hear the wind and the waves. I hear the gulls calling above. I hear the cars passing by, the crickets and toads. I hear all that there is to hear.” She sighed, and then remained silent for a long moment. “Do you trust me?” she asked. I opened my mouth to answer but held myself back. We’d hardly spoken a word between us, her and I. I didn’t even know her name. But I was about to tell her with confidence that yes, I trusted her. Again, she smirked without joy. “I want you to follow me.” Before I could reply, she stood and offered her wanting hand. I clasped her fingers in mind and joined her on a stroll through stone and sand. We traversed the landscape along the beach, further from town than I’d ever been. The sun faded further into the pastel sky. Like a dream, time ceased to exist. By final breath of sunset, we’d reached a cavern of rock cut into the cliff side. The woman’s dress reflected the oranges and pinks of the sun peeking over the horizon. Her form glowed within the vastness of the dark cave. I stopped. “Where are you taking me?” Her eyes flickered with a purposeful blink. “Do you trust me?” she asked me again. I thought hard about it this time. The answer had seemed so clear, watching the beauty of the sea from above. Yet here in the mouth of darkness, my mind raced for reasons to answer no. Holding out her hand, she smiled like an overcast sky. I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, now more green than hazel. They were filled with a sense of longing and a hint of sadness. I realized that I did trust her, despite not knowing anything about her. Without further hesitation, I took her hand and followed her into the cave. As we walked deeper, the darkness enveloped us. I couldn't see much beyond the faint light coming from the entrance. I could hear the echo of our footsteps and water dripping from the cave ceiling. The air grew colder and damper. I could feel a chill running down my spine. We walked for what felt like hours. I was about to ask her where we were going again and why, but she suddenly stopped. She let go of my hand and walked a few steps forward. I could see a faint light coming from further inside. I followed her, and as we approached, the light grew brighter and brighter. We finally reached the end of the cave. It opened up into a large chamber, and the light was coming from a small pond in the center. The water was crystal clear and the walls of the chamber were adorned with intricate carvings and paintings. I couldn't believe my eyes. The woman turned to me and smiled. "This is where you'll hear the sound," she said. "It's the sound of the ocean. The real sound of the ocean. The water in this pond is connected to the sea and it brings the sound with it." I listened carefully and sure enough, I could hear the new sound of the ocean. It was faint, but it was there. I was amazed. The longer I listened, the more I realized that it resembled music, more than nature. It fell into perfect rhythm with the beating of my heart. "How did you know about this place?" I asked her. She looked at me like falling rain. "This place has been a part of my life for a long time. I come here to listen to the sound of the ocean and find peace. But now it's time for me to move on." I didn't understand what she meant. "What do you mean, move on?" She watched me carefully. "I have to leave this place. I can't stay here forever. Nobody can. But I wanted to share this place with you before I go. I wanted to show you that there's more to life than what we

Christoph de Babalon - Ach, Mensch (12")Christoph de Babalon - Ach, Mensch (12")
Christoph de Babalon - Ach, Mensch (12")Midnight Shift
Ach, komm, ein Mensch kann nicht immer gut sein... This sentiment rings amusingly true for us. How did we find ourselves in this post-truth era, and why does such a term actually exist? In a world where distinctions between right and wrong blur, does the clarity of a black-and-white delineation persist? Are we progressing, or are we regressing to a state reminiscent of the past? Weaving together the complex tapestry of gore, politics, emotions, and, of course, the human experience in this work is done intricately and reflectively by the hands of Christoph de Babalon.

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