
Buddhism & Advaita


82 products

Showing 1 - 15 of 15 products
15 results
The Essence of Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)
The Essence of Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)法藏館
A contribution based on a lecture given at the Imperial Palace. The author's understanding of Buddhism is concisely and fully expressed in this well-regarded masterpiece.
To transcend the mind of discrimination without self-awareness - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)
To transcend the mind of discrimination without self-awareness - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)法藏館
Discrimination is not created by someone else, but by the mind of "self". This lecture transcript reveals the self-centeredness hidden behind various types of discrimination.
not a monk, not a layman - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)
not a monk, not a layman - Shizuka Miyagi (Book)法藏館
Why did Shinran, one of Japan's leading Buddhist monks, declare himself "neither a monk nor a layman"? Guided by these famous words, Shinran explains what it means to live life as it is, free from all fetters.
Tannisho - Daiei Kaneko (Book)
Tannisho - Daiei Kaneko (Book)法藏館
In the last lecture given by Daiei Kaneko before his death, he talks about the teachings of altruistic nembutsu, which are eternal and immortal teachings that fundamentally reveal the salvation of humankind. This is the definitive introductory book that explains the essence of "Tannisho" in simple words.
Shoshinge discourse - Ryōshun Nakano (Book+BOX)Shoshinge discourse - Ryōshun Nakano (Book+BOX)
Shoshinge discourse - Ryōshun Nakano (Book+BOX)法藏館
Masterpiece. Reprinted from the long-awaited culmination of Nakano's theology, "The Collected Works of Ryōshun Nakano (1916-1988)" which clearly explains the modern significance of Shinran's Pure Land Buddhism from the fundamental thought of Mahayana Buddhism. (3xBook+BOX, Only Japanese)
Yoga Vasistha (Book)
Yoga Vasistha (Book)Natural Spirit

"Yoga Vasishta weaves together many stories and commentaries to explain the ultimate teachings. It will be a marvelous discovery not only for philosophers, but even for modern psychologists and scientists. While most of the existing scriptures were preached by God to His devotees, the Yoga Vasishta is a teaching addressed to God. It is a teaching given by the sage Vasishta to Rama, God.
The philosophy of Yoga Vasishta, which provides a true understanding of the creation of the world, is very close to the doctrine of Kashmir Shiva, and the core of its teachings is "All is Consciousness. It includes the material world as you see it, as it is. This is the absolute truth. The world is nothing but the play of consciousness." (From Swami Muktananda's Preface)

Kyōgyōshinshō - Genpou Hoshino(Book)
Kyōgyōshinshō - Genpou Hoshino(Book)法藏館
This book is a digest version of the book "Lectures - Kyōgyōshinshō," which systematized "Kyōgyōshinshō" as a book of religious thought, and is an overview for reading Shinran's great work.
Lectures on the Verse of Shoshinge, 4 volumes - Rijin Yasuda (Book)
Lectures on the Verse of Shoshinge, 4 volumes - Rijin Yasuda (Book)法藏館
This is the first public recording of a famous lecture by Rijin Yasuda, a great scholar of Buddhist studies, which is relevant not only to the Shoshinge but also to the entirety of the Kyogyoshinsho.
Shin Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)
Shin Buddhism - D.T. Suzuki (Book)法藏館
A Japanese translation of D.T.Suzuki's English article discussing Shinran's pure land doctrine of other powers. Zen as a doctrine of self-reliance, seeking enlightenment by one's own power. Pure Land Buddhism as the doctrine of other forces to seek the attainment of Buddhahood by relying on the Buddha's compassion. The two teachings were different ways to attainment of Buddhahood. The pure land doctrine of transversal power, which was developed by Shinran, teaches that ordinary people have realized the present satori as the original Buddhist path by giving up their own discrimination, directing themselves to the Buddha's compassion, and opening the way to live surrounded by the Dharma itself. The translator, a disciple of the last years of D.T.Suzuki's life, translates the text based on D.T.Suzuki's understanding of Shin Buddhism. Half of the articles in the book are translated into Japanese for the first time!
Myokonin - D.T. Suzuki (Book)
Myokonin - D.T. Suzuki (Book)法藏館

Focusing on Saichi, the film reveals the true nature of Myōkōnin as practitioners of other powers.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Myokonin (妙好人, myōkōnin) are famous, pious followers of the Jōdo Shinshū sect of Japanese Buddhism.

Myōkōnin means "a wondrous, excellent person". It is used for a devout follower of Jōdo Shinshū, who lives a life of total dedication to Amida and whose acts and sayings, though they often run counter to common sense, reveal the depth of faith and true humanity".

Myōkōnin were largely unheard of in the West until D. T. Suzuki introduced them in his lectures and writings on Jōdo Shinshū. Most myōkōnin left behind very little writing, but in the case of Saichi, he left behind a prolific amount of poetry expressing his devotion to Amida Buddha.

Myōkōnin have been documented through Japanese history, from the Tokugawa period to the modern period.

Shinran's View on Life - Daiei Kaneko (Book)
Shinran's View on Life - Daiei Kaneko (Book)法藏館
This is a discourse on The True Faith of Kyōgyōshinshō, written by Shinran, the founder of the Pure land shin sect. This book is a masterpiece in which Shinran's thought is carefully read and clarified through difficult quotations from Buddhist scriptures with oral translations of the original text. This is the first time in 50 years that it has been reprinted in a new edition.
「唯識」から浄土教の菩薩像を問う 虚妄分別(煩悩)から意言分別(智恵)へ - 海野 孝憲 (Book)
「唯識」から浄土教の菩薩像を問う 虚妄分別(煩悩)から意言分別(智恵)へ - 海野 孝憲 (Book)法藏館



第一章 「虚妄分別」と「意言分別」とは

第二章 『無量寿経優波提舎願生偈註』(浄土論)

第三章 曽我先生の法蔵菩薩=阿摩羅識説に菩薩像を問う

第四章 唯識より浄土教の菩薩像を問う


判型・ページ数 4-6・138ページ

昭和11年、石川県白山市に生まれる。昭和34年、大谷大学文学部仏教学科卒業。昭和39年、名古屋大学大学院印度哲学専攻、博士課程単位取得。名古屋大学文学部助手、名城大学教授を歴任。 現在、名古屋大学名誉教授。文学博士(論文博、名古屋大学)。真宗大谷派嗣講。瑞宝章受章。
主な著書に、『インド後期唯識思想の研究』、『アビダルマ仏教とインド思想』(共著)、『「いのち」の意味』、『真宗の「命観」――私たち人間が仏となること』、『「人間の悪」に対する裁きと救い』、『悪人、善鸞は救われましたか?』、『文学者 三島由紀夫と仏教』、『世親の浄土論と瑜伽行唯識』、『浄土論の唯識思想』ほか。


Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Book)
Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Book)Natural Spirit

The Greatest Enlightener of the 20th Century, Admired by Jung and Gandhi!
"Who am I? This is the first time that a person has been taught that consciousness is the only real truth.
"He taught that "consciousness is the only real truth.
The book is presented in a question-and-answer format that summarizes his perspective on various issues.

"When the mind is still, the whole world is still. The mind is the cause of everything.
When it is quieted, the original natural state will appear by itself."

Ashtavakra Gita
Ashtavakra GitaNatural Spirit
The Ashtavakra Gita (Sanskrit: अष्टावक्रगीता; IAST: aṣṭāvakragītā) or Song of Ashtavakra is a classical text in the Advaita Vedanta tradition in the form of a dialogue between the sage Ashtavakra and Janaka, king of Mithila. -Wikipedia
I Am That: Talks With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (Book)
I Am That: Talks With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (Book)Natural Spirit

This book is also called the modern Upanishads. This is the story of a great enlightened man who, without formal education, lived in a village on the outskirts of Bombay, running an ordinary grocery store, but met a guru and realized the True Self in just three years.
Since its first publication in 1973, the book has been highly praised and read as one of the most important scriptures of our time.
The first translation in Japan.

This book is the ultimate answer to Ramana Maharshi's question, "Who am I? This book is the ultimate answer to Ramana Maharshi's question, "Who am I?

I am.
I am, and because I am, everything is.
"There is no answer to the question, "Who am I? There is no answer to this question.
No experience can answer it.
No experience can answer it, because the Self is beyond experience.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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