Yoga Vasistha (Book)

Natural Spirit9784864513623



"Yoga Vasishta weaves together many stories and commentaries to explain the ultimate teachings. It will be a marvelous discovery not only for philosophers, but even for modern psychologists and scientists. While most of the existing scriptures were preached by God to His devotees, the Yoga Vasishta is a teaching addressed to God. It is a teaching given by the sage Vasishta to Rama, God.
The philosophy of Yoga Vasishta, which provides a true understanding of the creation of the world, is very close to the doctrine of Kashmir Shiva, and the core of its teachings is "All is Consciousness. It includes the material world as you see it, as it is. This is the absolute truth. The world is nothing but the play of consciousness." (From Swami Muktananda's Preface)
